Friday, January 26, 2007
May the Force be with you
Ben and I are Star Wars fans, tho loyal to the original trilogy. When the trilogy was re-released we had a Star Wars party, and Ben was a Jedi and then-boyfriend Rich was Darth Vader. Much theatrics ensued. We played the movies and arranged our old action figures. Yeah, we're total geeks. This Halloween pictured here, I am a Jedi and Ben is Darth Maul. His face makeup was great and he startled our guests.
Here I am closeup, at work earlier that day. Maybe it's easier to see some of the costume. It is entirely homemade, and the fabric was very earthy and had great natural texture, which I thought was befitting a Jedi.
At our party with friend Holli as Ophelia.
The threesome here is Morgana Marianne, Medusa Ann, and Gypsy Michelle.