Friday, March 30, 2007


Wellllcome, to the Rennnnn-aysance Faire!!!

The pictures below encompass two summer's worth of Ren Fest outings at the Bristol Renaissance Faire on the Wisconsin/Illinois border, from a few years ago, pre-baby, circa 2002-03. (In the archives, click on March 2007 for all four Ren Fest entries in a nice row.) Here I am with my fellow costumers and fellow Lord of the Rings fans, a.k.a. "Ringers", mostly members of Midwesternesse, and a few from Chicago Fellowship in the group photo. I'm the giantesse on the far right!


My Renaissance Faire Costume

Here is my Renaissance Faire Costume, commonly known as a serving wench type. I didn't pay strict attention to historical accuracy. I got the fabric for the bodice (the most difficult piece to sew) and developed the costume from there. Here I am participating in the Maypole dance. I will add detail close-ups of the costume soon now that my digital camera is back on-line. Check back for that if you don't see any close-ups here yet.


Other Ren Faire Costumes Gallery

Here are pictures of other costumes, both of fellow Ringers from Midwesternesse, and of random costumes which I liked. Click on any photo to enlarge it in a separate window.

Below are two Hobbits, Pippin and Merry, from Midwesternesse.

At left, Frodo and a True-Hearted Easterling sidelining as an elf. At right, Chrysalis has transformed into Legolas. Note hand-stitching on the quiver and bracers.

The singing wenches.

The Queen doth approach!

These two dark elves, or Drow, (last photo on right) harken from the Dungeons & Dragons realm. They were pleased that I recognized them.


The Sacred Grove

These pictures are of faeries, woodsprites and other creatures in the Grove at the Renaissance Faire. These mystical and magical creatures bring a sense of wonder to the summer. Some creep around, making michief. Some move cautiously and curiously, examining these strange humans visiting the Grove. Some are very still and otherworldly, thinking their alien faerie thoughts. And some, in this first photo, are simply adorable.

This last lovely creature I think may be a minotaur but I was too shy to ask. He/She did not seem to speak English, and looked at me through bright, violet eyes. When I asked to take a picture, he nodded slowly, tilting his great majestic horns.

When you are in the Grove, you find the creatures take you to another world, like a performance art.

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